Considering Multi-Family or Commercial EV Charging Stations?
We're here to help.


What kind of charging stations do i need?

Level I charging is the slowest option, with three to five miles of travel added per hour of charging.   Often these speeds are too slow for overnight charging.

Level II charging stations offer faster charging, using 208/240V and 30amp electricity to deliver about 12 to 40 miles of range per hour of charging time. This is the standard for daily EV charging at any commercial property.

Level III, or DC Fast Charging, is the fastest charging level, offering anywhere from 35 to more than 100 miles per hour of charging. However, while DC Fast Chargers deliver a faster charge, they require more energy, are expensive to install, and are not compatible with all-electric vehicles.

Who can use the stations we install?

With our 4g connected data communications, network commercial property owners can either open up chargers publically or restrict access to approved users or groups. 

Can we make money on the charging stations?


All hosts can monetize installed charging stations. You can help set custom pricing to recoup energy costs, as well as add any fees collected on the charging stations’ use.   You can set your rates.

EnergyOne provides the software, support, and processing to make it as easy as possible for you.

Reporting:  You will have full access to all of the station reports: including utilization, costs, uptime and more.

We have a rental building; when is the right time to install charging stations?

Yes!  You will attract better educated and more loyal tenants by adding charging stations.  In fact, tenants will stay years longer according to research.  

Give your renters the amenities that matter, and upgrade their quality of living by installing EV charging stations.  Rebates and incentives have never been better.

Are there incentives and rebates?

There are utility and federal incentives for charging stations right now.  In fact there has never been a better time to install new chargers.  See more information on Arizona and Federal rebates here,and all state rebates and incentives here.

Do you sell Commercial Charging stations?

That’s all we sell.  We understand what commercial properties need, and cater to only business customers.

What does EnergyOne do?

EnergyOne provides complete lifecycle service from installation to maintenance on your charging infrastructure.  

We come out and help plan, permit and project manage everything.  Then we integrate the software to manage the stations, then stick around to maintain and support your stations.  

EnergyOne is on site from the start and will stay around for to make sure everything is working all the time.

What is the difference between UL and ETL

UL ETL are both what is called Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories (NRTL). NRTL’s are in place to provide independent safety and quality certifications on products, for electrical appliances their certification is typically required (especially 240V appliances). UL develops the testing standards and tests to them, ETL tests to UL standards. In order for an inspector to sign off on permitted installation for an EVSE the National Electric Code requires that the EVSE be NRTL listed (in the US that is ETL or UL). EnergyOne does use both laboratories; the selection of which laboratory depends on which company provides the best value for their service that we can then in turn pass on to our customers.