Choose the Right Level 3 Fast Charger

Colorful "hypervolt dc fast charging" logo for EV charging stations with stylized text on a green background.

Up to 180 kWh Fast Charging

Fast Charging technology that has reliable and fast power delivery

Colorful text logo reading "boost DCFC - EV Charging Stations".

Up to 60A Fast Charging

A modern EV charging station in a parking garage, featuring dual ports and digital displays for fast charging.
EV Charging stations with two charging cables and digital display.
EV Charging stations with digital screen and user interface.


From 30kWh to 350 kWh DC Fast Charging

Our fastest chargers with dual ports.  Load balanced for efficient charging, and maximum availability.

Why add fast charging?

EnergyOne Hypervolt  and Boost DC fast chargers are an excellent investment for businesses that want to offer their customers the convenience of electric vehicle charging. Our chargers offer a range of benefits that can help companies retain current customers and attract new customers, improve customer loyalty, and increase revenue.

The critical benefits of EnergyOne Hypervolt DC fast chargers are their reliability and performance. In addition, EnergyOne DCFC chargers provide considerably quicker charging times than traditional Level 2 chargers, which means that customers can charge up and be on their way in a shorter amount of time.

*Initial one-to-one consultation, Health & Fitness Assasments Bespoke training program planing, Custom Nutrition plan & recipes. WeeklyThe critical benefits of EnergyOne Hypervolt DC fast chargers are their reliability and performance. In addition, EnergyOne DCFC chargers provide considerably quicker charging times than traditional Level 2 chargers, which means that customers can charge up and be on their way in a shorter amount of time. Progress Reviews

In addition to being fast and compatible with most EVs, EnergyOne Hypervolt DC fast chargers are also durable and reliable. They are built to withstand harsh weather conditions and heavy usage so that they can stand up to the demands of busy commercial settings.

Finally, investing in EnergyOne Hypervolt DC fast chargers can help businesses attract environmentally-conscious customers who appreciate sustainable practices. By offering EV charging as a service, companies show their commitment to reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable transportation.

Overall, EnergyOne Hypervolt DC fast chargers offer fast, reliable charging supported by a great network. Additionally, with their speed, wide compatibility, durability, and environmental friendliness, these chargers can help businesses attract new customers, retain customers and improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.


EnergyOne DC Fast Charging Station - 30kWh Fast Charger - EDC330
EDC330 DC Charger
EnergyOne DC Fast Charging Station - 60 to 180 kWh Commercial EV Fast Chargers
DC Fast Charging

Standard Features

ISO 15118

Fully ISO Compliant Manufacturing


The highest safety standards

E-One Cloud

Complete management suite *


Industry Leading Reliability


Connect via WiFi / Ethernet / LTE

Get the Charging Equipment Your Property Needs to be Successful

EV charging stations in a parking lot with solar panels overhead.
Colorful "hypervolt dc fast charging" logo for EV charging stations with stylized text on a green background.

DCFC Level 3 Electric Vehicle Charging

EnergyOne HyperVolt Series - EDC3100 Series - Dual Port High Output Charging
Rebates up to $20,000

EV Charging stations with two charging cables and digital display.
EV Charging stations with 30 kwh and 60 kwh options by energyone.
Colorful text logo reading "boost DCFC - EV Charging Stations".

DCFC Level 3 Electric Vehicle Charging
EnergyOne Boost Series - EDC330 - Rebates up to $20,000

Electric vehicle charging station with a 30kw fast charger and connected cable.

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