You may qualify for up to $100,000 back for EV charging at your business

If you purchase and install an EnergyOne® electric vehicle (EV) charging solution between Jan. 1, 2023, and Dec. 31, 2032, your business may be eligible to receive a 30% tax credit up to $100,000 under the 30C Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Tax Credit. Commonly referred to as the “federal tax credit,” the credit now requires applicants to be located in designated census tracts (guidance and maps forthcoming from the IRS) and follow prevailing wage standards.

Utilities and Federal

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Special Announcement: Changes to EV Tax Credits
Changes to EV Tax Credits - Inflation Reduction Act

“Overall, the reforms in the Inflation Reduction Act mean that the tax credit for electric vehicles will evolve considerably over the coming months and years. However, the only change to the electric vehicle credit that takes effect immediately after the President signs the Inflation Reduction Act into law is the North America final assembly requirement”

2023 – Establishes credits for pre-owned clean vehicles (sections 25E, and 45W for commercial vehicles)

Models meeting North American assembly requirement:  VIN Decoder tool, available here:
Dealers and consumers can refer to the “Plant Information” field at the bottom of the page result, which expressly lists the build plant and country for the searched vehicle.

Existing contracts are not affected by the Inflation Reduction Act (requires a binding contract).

The only change to the existing electric vehicle credit that takes effect after August 16, 2022 and before the end of 2022 is the introduction of the North America final assembly requirement. Otherwise, the rules in effect before enactment of the Inflation Reduction Act for the electric vehicle credit remain in effect, including the phase-out for manufacturers that have sold over 200,000 vehicles in the United States.


Talk to a Rebate


Arizona Power Utilities

SRP - Salt River Project

SRP Arizona - Utility Logo
Rebate Type
agencies, tribal communities,
nonprofits, multifamily
properties and schools
Justice40 Disadvantaged
Community Bonus
Level 2 Charger
$1,000.00 /Port Bonus
Level 3 DC Charger
$5,000.00 /Station Bonus

SRP Program Changes for 2023

  • Added DC Fast Charger to eligible measures. DC Fast charging equipment rated for a minimum of 50 kW per port with service from 208 to 480 volts is eligible for a $15,000 to $per port rebate for business customers and a $25,000 per station rebate for government, non-profit, school, and multifamily customers. The program is limited to three (4) ports per customer per year. Pre-approval is required.  
  • Increased the number of Level 2 chargers per customer from 50 to 75.
  • Added additional Fleet Implementation Support to assist customers with the implementation of EV charging infrastructure. This incentive is limited to fleet customers for the current program year.
  • Electric Technologies (Off-Road Electrification)

Summary of rebate changes:

  • Added Forklifts Class 3 to eligible measures. Class 3 may be an addition to the fleet, a new application or replacing internal combustion forklifts. The rebate is $200/eligible Class 3 lift.
  • Added ride on Scrubbers and Sweepers to prescriptive measures. All battery-powered, ridge-on scrubbers and sweepers are eligible for a $450/eligible unit incentive.
  • Added Scissor/Boom Lifts to prescriptive measures. All battery powered lifts are eligible for a $750/eligible unit incentive

Multi-Family To $350,000

Business EV Charger Rebate Many of your employees, customers or tenants may own or be considering purchasing an electric vehicle (EV). As an SRP business customer, you can cater to this rapidly growing market through SRP’s Business EV charging rebate program. Receive $1,500 for each networked EV charging port you install at your business, ($2,500 for Justice40 disadvantaged communities) or $4,000 ($5,000 per port for Justice40 disadvantaged communities) per port for government, multi-family, and non-profit and school customers and enjoy the following benefits:

A typical Level 2 charging port delivers 208/240 volts of electricity to the car battery, similar to what a residential dryer or oven uses.

Each hour of charge time uses 3–7 kilowatts and will provide 8–20 miles of driving range. The cost for a Level 2 EV charger ranges from $500 to $6,000. Rebates are limited to 75 charging ports per customer per program year.

Smart Forklift Battery Charger rebates will decrease from $250/unit to $150/unit Pilot to encourage the conversion of Medium/Heavy Duty Vehicles. Treated as custom and requires pre-approval. Rebate is $0.10/kWh for estimated first year usage.

Talk to a Rebate


APS - Arizona Public Service

APS - Arizona Public Service Logo - EnergyOne (2)

These programs are currently oversubscribed.  Federal incentives and financing options apply.  EnergyOne can still help with finance programs for business, government and education.

Fleet:  There are a limited number of free chargers available through this pilot. Ideal candidates for this pilot are customer sites where:

 Chargers are not currently installed

 There is enough space to physically accommodate the chargers

 Vehicles can be charged during off-peak hours

Multi-Family: Communities selected for this pilot will receive the infrastructure necessary to charge up to four EVs at one time. At no cost to the customer

There are a limited number of free chargers available through this pilot. Applications will be reviewed to determine which communities have the greatest potential to support residents’ needs and will contribute to a broader EV charging network in Arizona; therefore, communities that already have chargers will not be considered

TEP - Tucson Electric Power

TEP - Tucson Electric Power - EnergyOne
Charger TypeSiteStandard

Disadvantaged Community (DAC) Eligible Projects*

Level 2 (L2)


$4,000/port; up to 75% of        project cost$6,000/port; up to 85% of project cost

Level 2 (L2)

Multi-family, Nonprofit

$5,400/port; up to 85% of    project cost$9,000/port; up to 85% of project cost

DC Fast Charger (DCFC)


$24,000/port; up to 75% of project cost$40,000/port; up to 75% of project cost

Federal Government Incentives

Logo of the Arizona internal revenue service (IRS), featuring a balanced scale within the "R" and enclosed by a laurel wreath.
Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Tax Credit (Corporate) 

Note: Section 13404 of The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (H.R. 5376) modified and extended the expiration date for the Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit. Among other changes, it reduced the base tax credit from 30% to 6%, but allows the full 30% for projects that meet certain labor standards. The summary below described the credit as modified by H.R. 5376. 

Qualified alternative fuel vehicle refueling equipment, including electric vehicle charging equipment, is eligible for a tax credit of 6% up to $100,000 for each single item of property. Projects that meet the following wage and apprenticeship requirements are entitled to a larger tax credit of 30%. The taxpayer must ensure that all laborers and mechanics employed by the taxpayer or any contractor or subcontractor engaged in building the project be paid prevailing wages. The project must also employ a certain percentage of apprentices. The project must also be located in a census tract described in section 45D(e) of the IRS Code, or not in an urban area. 


Section 13801 of The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 also established procedures for other parties to monetize certain tax credits, including this one, for equipment placed in service on or after January 1, 2023 and through December 31, 2032. 

The direct pay option allows non-taxable entities to directly monetize certain tax credits. The provisions apply to nonprofits, a state or political subdivision thereof, the Tennessee Valley Authority, Indian tribal governments (as defined in Section 30D(g)(9)), any Alaska Native Corporation (as defined in Section 3 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act), or any corporation operating on a cooperative basis which is engaged in furnishing electric energy to persons in rural areas. Such applicable entities can elect to be treated as having made a tax payment equal to the value of the tax credit they would otherwise be eligible to claim. The entity can then claim a refund for the excess taxes they are deemed to have paid. The option effectively makes this tax credit refundable for these entities. 

The act also allows eligible taxpayers to transfer all or a portion of their eligible tax credits to an unrelated taxpayer. Transfers must be reported to IRS and only one transfer is permitted. Must be elected no later than the due date for tax filing for the tax year the tax credit is claimed.


Special Announcement
Commercial EV's - Federal ITC

Section 13403 of The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (H.R. 5376) established a tax credit for qualified commercial clean vehicles purchased on or after January 1, 2023. The qualify, the vehicle must have a gross vehicle weight rating of less than 14,000 pounds and have a battery rating of not less than 7 kilowatt hours. Mobile machinery, as defined in section 4053(8) (including vehicles that are not designed to perform a function of transporting a load over the public highways) can exceed the 14,000 pound weight limit, but must have a battery capacity of not less than 15 kilowatt hours. The tax credit is worth 30% of the cost, up to $7,500 for vehicles less than 14,000 pounds, or $40,000 for mobile machinery. 

Section 13801 of The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 also established procedures for other parties to monetize certain tax credits, including this one, for equipment placed in service on or after January 1, 2023 and through December 31, 2032. 

The direct pay option allows non-taxable entities to directly monetize certain tax credits. The provisions apply to nonprofits, a state or political subdivision thereof, the Tennessee Valley Authority, Indian tribal governments (as defined in Section 30D(g)(9)), any Alaska Native Corporation (as defined in Section 3 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act), or any corporation operating on a cooperative basis which is engaged in furnishing electric energy to persons in rural areas. Such applicable entities can elect to be treated as having made a tax payment equal to the value of the tax credit they would otherwise be eligible to claim. The entity can then claim a refund for the excess taxes they are deemed to have paid. The option effectively makes this tax credit refundable for these entities. 

The act also allows eligible taxpayers to transfer all or a portion of their eligible tax credits to an unrelated taxpayer. Transfers must be reported to IRS and only one transfer is permitted. Must be elected no later than the due date for tax filing for the tax year the tax credit is claimed.

Call for Details  –  Rebates and Incentives are Subject to Change Without Notice

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