Honda touts Ohio EV flexibility, could make hundreds per day

Honda Saloon Concept  -  2024 CESHonda is well underway in a $700 million effort to retool three of its plants and create a new $3.5 billion battery plant for U.S. EV mass-production. But it’s also emphasizing how much flexibility it has in the shift to accommodate that production. As it confirmed Friday, it will be able to make hundreds of EVs per day at its revamped...

Honda Saloon Concept  -  2024 CESHonda is well underway in a $700 million effort to retool three of its plants and create a new $3.5 billion battery plant for U.S. EV mass-production. But it’s also emphasizing how much flexibility it has in the shift to accommodate that production. As it confirmed Friday, it will be able to make hundreds of EVs per day at its revamped…

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